Skullraider – längster Scrolltext der Welt.

Mit meinem Beitrag zu Skullraider halte ich auch zusammen mit Freunden den Weltrekord für den längsten Scrolltext der Welt, der jemals auf dem Amiga getippt wurde!

Skullraider – The World Record Scroll.

Skullraider – Endlos-Scroller!

Zwischen 1985 und 1990, als aus den Botschaften von Crackern die Demos entstanden, war ein bestimmtes Stilelement im Grunde immer vorhanden: Der Scrolltext. Im Moment fällt mir wirklich keine einzige Produktion aus dieser Zeit ein, in der kein Scrolltext vorhanden gewesen wäre. Die Darstellung dieser Lauftexte geriet auch zur Kunstform: Von einfachen Sinuskurven über sich windende Buchstaben bis hin zu kaum lesbaren Echtzeit-Verzerrungen gab es im Grunde nichts, was ein Coder nicht ausprobiert hätte. In diesen Texten wurde alles Mögliche untergebracht, aber ursprünglich waren es Kontaktadressen und Grüße an befreundete Gruppen (oder an Gruppen, mit denen man gerne befreundet sein wollte).

Und dann passierte in den letzten Jahren der 1980er Jahre etwas ganz Skurriles: Die Scrolltexte wurden immer länger und länger, so dass es irgendwann nur logisch war, dass der Nonsens-Wettbewerb entstand, den längsten Scrolltext der Welt zu tippen. Wir nahmen uns vor, diesen Weltrekord nicht nur zu brechen, sondern regelrecht zu zermalmen! Und das erreichten wir auch mit „Skullraider“: Über einen Monat verteilt tippten Marc („Hulk“), Markus („Manowarrior“, „MWR“) und andere auf langen Party-Abenden bzw. Party-Nächten Texte ein, bis wir den Scrolltext-Weltrekord eingestellt hatten!

Und so sieht er aus, der Weltrekord-Scroller.

Ich habe mir niemals den kompletten Scroller angesehen – ihn als normalen Text durchgelesen zu haben, war schon ausreichend… Unten im Video sieht man die ersten Minuten des Demos. In Summe haben wir über 100.000 Zeichen getippt!!! Damit haben wir (zumindest damals) den Weltrekord im Scrolltext-Schreiben aber so etwas von abgeräumt! Thrust und andere Gruppen waren abgeschlagen. Veröffentlicht wurde dieses Demo am 20. August 1989.

Ein paar Worte zum Demo.

Wie fast schon zu erwarten wäre, wurde auch dieses Mal auf fremde Ressourcen zurückgegriffen: Der Totenschädel von Razmo (Kefrens) stammte aus dem „Nightmare“-Demo, der Font wurde von Future Light (D.O.C.) für das „Demons are forever“ Demo gezeichnet. Nur die Musik war ein Original und stammte von Stefan („Ace“), der selbst sagt, dass das Mod namens „Totentanz“ im Stil eines „Danse Macabre“ komponiert wurde. Mir gefiel es damals, und heute noch immer. Ein schöner, düsterer Walzer!

Die Protagonisten des Scrolltextes waren „in order of their appearance“:

  • Marc „Hulk“ H. (Coding)
  • Markus „Manowarrior“ („MWR“) K.
  • Oliver „Yello“ Kilb
  • Thomas „Tom“ („Tom-Soft“) P.
  • Arndt „Troll“ K.

Über mehrere Wochen haben wir bei Marc zu Hause im Keller gesessen und in teilweise völlig übermüdetem Zustand versucht, etwas Lustiges zu tippen. Gelang nicht oft, ich weiß. Aber es hat Spaß gemacht! Und beim Lesen des Scrolltextes wurde ich wieder für 30 Jahre in die Vergangenheit zurückversetzt. Wir veröffentlichten das Demo zwar, aber wahrscheinlich wurde es nie weit genug gespreadet, um in den heutigen Datenbanken aufzutauchen. Vielleicht ist mein Exemplar, genauso wie bei den Corrosion-Demos, die letzte existierende Diskette mit diesem Demo gewesen.

Der komplette Scrolltext.

OK, er ist nicht ganz komplett, denn einige Teile darin sind leider nicht jugendfrei. Diese Teile habe ich entfernt, daher gibt es Stellen, die ganz besonders sinnfrei sind. Sonstige Fehler habe ich belassen – wir waren damals gerade mal 17 oder 18 Jahre alt und hatten nur Schulkenntnisse, was Englisch anging, wie man leicht feststellen kann. Aber es ist ein Zeitzeugnis, dieser Text. Durch ihn konnte ich mich wieder ziemlich gut an einige Tage in diesem Sommer 1989 erinnern.

dooby,guys !! this is hulk presenting his newest creation – the world record scroll *** skullraider *** . hope , you enjoy it !! well,this is only the beginning of the scroll and i’ve got only a few ideas what to write about. but stay cool and don’t switch off,because in three weeks i give a party (yeah) to which i’ve invited a few friends in order to let them write their opinions and their holidays . ya shouldn’t puke,if there’s a wrong expression in the scrolltext,because i and my friends,we normally don’t speak english all the day. so that it was !! before the main part begins,i have to tell you the credits,the idea of this scroller and my opinion of different people. here we go : first the credits : programmed by hulk,design by hulk,main scrolltext by hulk. the nice artwork ya see down was painted by razmo (monsterdemo) and stolen by me ( sorry,razmo ! i haven’t got much time to paint and i thought,your piccie is ideal for my little is a special greeting from hulk to you for your great creation). the bloody „charset“ was painted by future light of doc and was also stolen by me (but you also receive a mega-greeting from my side ). the muzak ……. uh ……….. well ……….. er ……… the moment there is no music .but a friend of mine said,that he perhaps can compose a muzak,which is right to this demo (espacially to the grafix). i don’t want to mention the name of this guy,because if he doesn’t manage it to compose a good music,everybody else calls him a lamer………but i think,he will make it !!! the idea of this great scroller was the following : i saw the world record scroll of super swap sweden , in which they said , they use a trick to scroll more chars than a c-64 can get.but this „trick“ was simple : they use 5 bits for every char and read more bytes at the same time and decrunch them . then the different chars are scrolled one after one ! i laughed and left the chamber of my friend . few days after this event this friend came to me and said : hey,guy ! let us make a new record for the longest scroller of the whole world . i’m fair : you write the programm and i write a part of the text. i said : o.k. !!let’s do that ! but i need more help for the length of this scroller ………….and here we are !! by the way : a few messages to different groups . hello , thrust! i laughed to death as i saw your 30kb small scrolltext of the ottifanten-demo ! didn’t you know,that sss created a scroller with the length of over 60000 chars ? and please,stop talking shit about demos of other groups,which are often better than your demos. your ottifant is good painted and so did your animation,but there’s no reason to diskriminate other demos like the flying ball-demo of doc !!!! concerning doc : i think,you are right,if you say,that you need a new artikle-writer !! the texts of doctor mabuse are really terrible,but nevertheless he makes cool …….. ah …….. trilogy.hey,man . have you ever seen your intros on an amiga with memory-expansion ?????? well,then do that and improve your programs so that there isn’t this unusual and unnecessary thing any more . wow : i enjoy your go on this way,guys. quartex: piss off !!! oh ! i forgot !!! o.k. ! i explain you now the control of the scrollspeed by joystick. move the joy to left and right to receive different speeds . to activate the fastscrolling press the button (and hold it down). also the fastscrolling has different speeds . the slowest fastscrolling is for fast readers , while the fastest fastscrolling ( also called ‚red lightning“ ) exists in order to jump over a already read part of this scroller ( but perhaps you also want to read it in one time.if you wanted to do this,then i have to tell you,that my aim of the length of this scroller is 100.000 bytes ! yeah,you heard rightly ! 100.000 bytes full of bullshit ). so ! the main part soon begins ,but before it i want to introduce myself and the group i belong to !! i am hulk , the amiga-programmer of s.d.i. !!! i also coded this ( like ya ,i think, already know ) and i am really proud of it . s.d.i. stands for the software destruction initiative !! and here again a message : in different demos a group called s.d.i. is greeted .well,you say,that isn’t anything special. but the groups,who greeted s.d.i. , are for me totally unknown. so i think,that there’s another group with the pseudonym ’s.d.i.“ and here is my message for them : change your name in d.d.d. ( which stands for d2t*/? dbtz1″ d-f:g34! ) or do anything else !!!!!!!!!! but leave this planet,if you want to keep your name,because this is my last warning !! uff ! let’s leave this chapter. i think , mwr will later say more to this !! at last ( before the main part ) a memberlist of s.d.i. ( the software destruction initiative ) ! members are : manowarrior ( mwr ): scrolltextwriter,founder,painter ( c-64 ) – magicstarsoft ( mss ): programmer ( c-64 ) – troll: programmer ( i resign.he tries to programm his amiga in c ( uuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaarrrrrgggh ).by the way: he just joined us and,all in all,i am lucky of this fact ) – hulk: programmer,second founder ( hey,guys ! did you forget me ? i’m writing this ). so that it was before the main part . we’ll see us later …………… hello ,fraggles !!! this is hulk again typing a little part of the text ! current standings: the text is 5402 bytes large , the day is the 18th of juli in 1989 and we’ve got 4:39 pm !!! i just received a letter from england ! of yello,who makes there holidays (three weeks) . fuck him down . he pretends to be lucky because of the girls and the arcade-games there . i think,i will soon destroy this letter by fire . if yello comes back , he will be very surprised because of this programm (and perhaps also because of my girlfriend,because she wanted to come to my party,too . but let’s forget will be struggled enough by him later ( on the party ) . uh……wait a minute (doooaaaaaarrrrkuuuaaazasulm) ….the phone is ringing !! (klick) hello ? what ? ah.yes.of course.i will see. yyyyeees. it’s right to me.yeah.that’s fine. o.k. (klick) that was mwr on the other side of the wire . he asked me,if i can come to him today . i said „allright“ and will soon start to go to him by bus ( mwr is the only person,who will write into this text something before the party ( oh,what a bad english ! but you don’t care,i hope ))……….shit ……..driving by bus is shit…………busdrivers are all so unpleasured when they see a youngster ( perhaps you know,what i mean ) .but i have no other choice.i’m only 17 and become 18 next year. so i have to take the bus or a taxi(?).shitshitshitshitshitshit…….. o.k. i think it’s enough for today . we’ll see us in two or three days ……………….

yo…… thiz iz manowarrior (mwr) typin many bullshit in the memory of that amiga ! i think this demo from hulk looks really nice (especialy the cool piccy from razmo). we just came back from my home, where we made a little demo for the party on the c64. oh, i see hulk has just left the compy-room. now i’m alone with this texteditor to this demo. first i wanna send out some personal special greetinx (the main greetz come later) to : all in sdi – knighthawks – world of wonders – all who will come to the fourth sdi-party and all friends and contacts…… as hulk has mentioned some time ago, it seems that there is another group existing who call themselves – s.d.i. – i can only say to them : change your name at once, or we will drive you out of the scene ! the name s.d.i is a copy-right of mine bcoz i made it for our group and nobody else has the right to use it (well exept the u.s. armee and the nasa for their ’strategic defense initiative“) !!! now again for all : the groups who greeted these name-stealers are nearly all dead (i.e.: triton technology or exodus). oh, hulk came just back …. he complains about the weather and another group which he will later swear at kraechzzzzz !!! in the background i hear the ’sound“ of the monster-demo from razmo …. a little bit silly, eh ? oh, hulk wants to continue…… so i let him… manowarrior schulzing off……

yeah ! and this is hulk again . i’m just coming from my living-room,where i tried to kill the boring time by watching tv. i changed the channels,i searched for an interesting film,but there wasn’t anything worth to spend a part of my time . only on sky-channel,there was a funny advertisment !! a special offer ( just for one week ): 4 video-tapes full of accidents of different cars .4 video-tapes full of blood,smashed bodies and crunched vehicles ! i think,it was a good idea to make these accidents official ( and i haven’t got such a sadistic character like you may think now ). but now something more important : i have the intention to write one more demo for the demo-competition of my party ( uh,sorry. i forgot to tell you anything about this competition.but now you are informed of it ). this demo will have got a nice picture in the lower half,sample-sound,color-cycling ( god,give me power ! friends of mine know,why ) and a veeeeeeery big scroll,which moves up and down ( it’s difficult to explain,but we’ll see ).the name of this demo will be „caution“.i think i will start painting the piccie tomorrow . another topic: do ya know the worst „cracker-group“ ever born ?? of course,you would say. buuuuuuuuuut : i told you,i visited mwr ! he has got a c-64 and many demos and intros for it ( mainly of digital marketing ). yesterday he switched on all the hardware he has,put in one of his „new“ disks of digital marketing,ran for the directory and loaded the file „the picture-demo“ . i tell ya …… i saw much shit before,but nothing like this : the group,who „programmed“ this,is the born federation of losers called “ the game creeps “ . they pretend to be great,they pretend to be the best !!! the funny thing is,that „the game creeps“ (short form is t.g.c.) used in the picture-demo only demo-makers/creators and designers. that was already hard for me,but afterwards…….the text ….. aaaaaaaaarrrrggh…… one moment,i quote a few parts of their demo : „we are presents a new generatione“ or „a man was dead. who was it ???? i don’t know !! oh yeah,i know!!! it was the …. “ the game creeps “ . they kill a man with left !! they crack a game and a police man fond the crackers !!! they ,the game creeps,fond us never “ or „we have same publik-domain disks and you can it by“ or „welcame to the last part“ …………. fnuuuuuudjjjjaa ( sorry. i needed a handkerchief to wipe out my face because of the tears )…… snoooooowwjet …. ah ! o.k. everything’s under control now !! but now a serious message to t.g.c. : if you think,you are the absolute revolution in piracy and programming,then i have to say,that you are a tiny bit wrong. collect your disks and leave germany as soon as possible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! uff ……. let’s leave this ! but there’s another guy i want to introduce ! well,let’s begin like this : what’s the most terrible color ???? blue ? no,no .think a little bit !! it’s yello .i dropped the „w“ not without any reason ,because „yello“ is the pseudonym of the guy i wanted to present !! perhaps you remember: yello wrote me a letter,the inventory of which i want to tell you .of course it is written in german,but i will try to translate it : howdy,hulk !! no,no. today no photographies,only a few names (of arcade-games). the area here is hot and so do the female people . only the weather doesn’t know,if it wants to rain or let the sun shine . here,the holidays make a lot of fun! see ya in two weeks…….yello ! well,well,well…what would you say of such a letter ? i think,he wants to make me angry (in germany you can only enter a gamblehall,if you are at least 18) because of the names of the arcade-games he played and because of the mentioned hot girls ( he perhaps also played with.but only perhaps ( only a little chance )). i said,yello will come to my party . i think,he will have to give us then his opinion of his shitty letter !! uff …. that’s all for today,i think …at last the current standings: the text is now 12449 bytes large !!!! byyyyyeeee……… ( a few hours later ) …… uuuuuuuaaah …….. hello,people.i just slept a little bit ( that was necessary,bcoz mwr and i,we worked all night at demos for the party ). hey,mwr ! turn that fucking sound off and switch on tape b. thanks ! ah,warlock .that’s a real hard sound just right to influence me in my texttypin“ !!! so,guys !! the decision has fallen ! the party starts on the 8th of august and ends the day after ( in 1989 of course ) !! the guys i invite aren’t much this time . they are : manowarrior,magicstarsoft,troll,tom-soft and yello !! we will begin by watching 2 movies of monty python ( real english humour – i like that ) ,followed by speaking about life and teachers ! then we complete this nice scroller , afterwards we go into the city and make shit until the sun is shining again ( i mean:until 6:00 am at the next day ). the party will be finished by playing waterball and looking one or two horrormovies !!! that’s it. if you wait for greetings or something like that,then lean back,they will follow soon. ………uh …..shit ! mwr just went outside. i wanted to let him write a few words. well,the greetings have to appear a little bit earlier. shit…fucking-school starts in 4 weeks (a hell of time you say ? maybe it’s enough time for you,but not for me). hey? do you know the princess of dragon’s lair? if you know her,then listen,what i’ve done with her: i loaded a demo of dragon’s lair and waited for the scene,when you see the princess over the whole screen sitting in a bubble.then i resetted my amiga,loaded bitplanefinder and searched for this scene. after having found it,i saved it,loaded deluxe paint 3 and changed the picture !! o.k. !!! here now come the greetings sorted from a to z and perfected by some short sentences in brackets.sorry,but i’m not sure,if a group is already dead or still alive ( the list of greetings is at least 3 weeks old ) . so lean back or use the fastscrolling ( by the way : never move to scroll fast the joy to right or left and press the button ! you may only press the button,otherwhise the fastscrolling doesn’t start ). let’s go : golden s.d.i.-disks run to: acc – ace ( nice and drumfull „thing on a spring“-remix ) – ackerlight (i like your ideas of making intros ( f-16 )) – alphaflight – acs ( another one bites the dust ) – axxess ( nothing heard from you for a long time ) – bamiga sector one – beastie boys ( the greatest joke – you ripp graphics and sounds,but you don’t want,that other people do the same with your intros ) – bitstoppers ( i think,you are dead *****,aren’t you ?) – blizzard – bros ( what a name – burp ) – c-64 comics group – champs ( ****** ) – commando frontiers ( cfr is bad pseudonym for your good name ) – cozmik – dator destruction departement – defjam – detonator – doctor mabuse orgasm crackings ( right on !! ) – dominators – doughunt cracking service ( sometimes i’ve got the feeling,i greet really every lamer ) – dr.bit – dns – dexion – eagle soft ( no intro in zak mckracken ? ) – e.c.a. ( of course,you are dead . but i think,you were the best group on c-64 . so i greet you ) – exact – exodus – fairlight – fantasy cracking service – federation against copyright – finnland cracking service – freestyle – fusion – genesis project ( you all are big assholes. you tell wrong things about other groups ( later more to one special member of you )) – german star group ( you use demomakers . if you want to know my opinion about you and the name of your members,then read the part about t.g.c. again ) – gcf – high quality crackings ( you’re back !!! congratulations !!! ) – hotline ( don’t take this greeting to you as serious – lamers ) – hexagon – ikari – jewels – jazzcat – knight hawks ( i know,you don’t exist any more.nevertheless a greeting of hulk ) – mda-empire – madsquad – magician 42 – men at work – m.u.s.i.c. – mean-team – movers – mr.zeropage – marauder inc. – n.a.t.o. – orion – online – oneway – paco-crew – papillons ( great rimrunner-intro ) – powerrun – popeye – public enemy – pba – pulsar – prime – quartex ( you can program.that’s the only reason i greet you ) – radwar – raw deal – razor express – red sector – rawhead – sca – scoop – sevenup – seven eleven – sharks – sodan – scouse cracking group – soldiers against protection – sphinx – star frontiers ( ***** ) – super swap sweden ( hey.this is a special-greeting ) – syntax 2001 – section 8 – sciene 451 – shadow – the wanderer group – the light force – the last science – the light circle – tcc – the hidden forces – the organized crime – twilight inc. – triad – tristar – the wall – the fat boys – teeside cracking service – thrust ( we’ve got already the half of your little record ) – triangle – tli – triumph – the new fashion – united artists – untouchable cracking force – upfront – vision ( i’ve seen the legalise it – great ) – warriors of darkness – warriors of time – wizax – world of wonders ( strike ahead ) – worldwide expressive ( lifestyle is the best c-64 demo i’ve ever seen – my best wishes for the future ) – wizards – yeti factories – x-ray – xakk ( fjogg ? ) – 42-crew – 1001-crew – 2000 ad ……………… and unrepairable shortcircuits go to: tnt of genesis project – t.g.c. – the blasters ( a spanish crackergroup – i can’t get it ) – roland rat ( you greet t.g.c. – that’s the apocalypse of your name ) – italian bad boys ( the name itself tells you everything – they are looooooosers ) …….. end of greetings …….. current standings : it is 6:47 pm at the 20th of july and the text is 18749 bytes large ( i think,at this time i must give greetings to everybody,who’s still reading this text )……. we’ll see us tomorrow. bye …….. saturday,the 22nd of july . 8:00 pm …… sorry,people for leaving you alone for such a long time.i wanted to come back yesterday,but i had to work at my new demo caution ! but it isn’t even finished . someone published a routine to get the topaz.font out of the read-only memory !!! but this routine ran only,if it is in one part and i had to devide it………..i’ve done,what i could do,but it didn’t work… i have to write tomorrow the last routines ( char-fetching and scrollroutine ( the last one isn’t easy )). hey !! i hope,that you will have got also „caution“ on your disk,because the picture i painted is really nice and the scrollroutine will look great. i know,that it’s only a little demo,but nevertheless i’m proud of it ( colorcycling and fading-routine are already programmed,also the sample-sound is linked ).but let’s talk about other things like shit.nothing comes into my mind…..let’s talk about teacher,about one teacher……[xxx] i hope,i don’t get him next year – that would be my end ! but let’s talk about funnier things like holidays or journeys ( with your class ) !! a few weeks ago we ( i,mwr,mss,troll and the rest of the class ) drove to paris. i will tell you a few tales of this nice journey : 1. of course,we visited “ la tour eiffel „,the one symbol of paris !! i,yello and mwr decided to go upstairs by feet . we went to the 2nd part of the tower and had a nice view around . we spent about half an hour there and decided then to go back —- but the stairs were shutted !!!! to take the lift was our last possiblity to come down ( besides of that we could jump down,but we decided to take the lift ). but when we came there ….. a big crowd was around the lift . we waited for 10 minutes and after „em,we were the first ! the lift only needed to come to our stage and we would have been saved !! buuuuuut : the driver of the lift came to our stage ( empty !!! ) ,waited for 5 minutes …….. and went down again !! he waited 5 minutes,came up ( empty again ) and drove a stage up !! he came back ( full ) and drove without stopping at our stage down . the same game for about 3 or 4 times !!!!!!! after at least 40-45 minutes we reached the holy bottom of our planet again …… i tell „ya : what a feeling . what a great,unbelievable feeling !! that was the first story . the second and third i will tell you tomorrow,because i become sleepy !!! by the way : the text is ( of course ) 100 kbytes long,if it is decrunched !! and sorry for declaring e.c.a. as dead . i got the information,that they are suppliers of several groups ( just as thrust etc. ). puuuuuh !! actual standings (again) : the text is now 22219 bytes large. the record of thrust ( the longest scroller on amiga ) will be soon destroyed ( hehe ). aaaaaargh !!!! mwr is sitting besides me . he just typed 6000 bytes of text and suddenly …………….. a short circuit,of which my computer was also concerned ! but now i (hulk) will tell you all that again ( and even more ) ! i promised ya to tell ya the second and third story of our journey to paris ! so here we go: it was the last day,before we went back to germany ! everybody was funny and made jokes . then,in the evening , tom-soft,magicstarsoft,ukw and i , we decided to go in the city in order to have dinner ( i know , dinner sounds great , but i mean just something to eat ). manowarrior and three other friends stayed in the hotel , while we searched for a good restaurant . after having found it,everyone of us ordered something he liked to eat !! we stayed in the restaurant for about 2 hours and then went back ( with the underground ) !! we said us goodbye and now …………….. now the main story begins : while we were in the restaurant , mwr and the three other friends made a competition ………… a competition to find the guy,who is able to drink the most of alcohol !!! and mwr was one of the guys,who drank with …………….. so when i came back from the restaurant,i went at once to our room,opened the door and …………… saw a crowd around my bed . first i thought,it should be a joke,a surprise or something like that !!! so i asked about the matter of all this people coming together around my bed. i was joking,if my bed is such a great thing to collect people around . i heard only “ keep calm , hulk and come in at once “ . and suddenly i saw it ……. or better him : mwr was laying on my bed and he didn’t look very well !! troll came to me and told me,that mwr has puked for several times,caused by drinking to much alcohol !! he and three friends emptied 28 bottles of beer and few litres of low-budget red wine ( 5 litre for 4 deutschmarks ( sorry for this expression )) . i and yello , we counted the litres , which must have been drunken by mwr !! it was : 4 litres !!!!!!! 4 litres of alcohol in his stomach …… that was too much !!! but the night hasn’t gone yet !!! mwr puked for two or three times again,while we ( troll and i ) cleaned the bottom of this ……….. of this ………. of this ……… i hope you know what i mean !! the paper we used to clean the bottom has just been thrown throug the window out of the room ( and flew sometimes directly before the feet of people walking along the hotel ) . the neighbours cried because of the noise we made and we had to explain ( with our bad french ) this noise !! at the day after mwr wasn’t able to remember,what has happened . he only remembered a few scenes of the evening before . so that was the second story . and here comes the last : at the first day we had problems to find a restaurant,which is not expensive and nevertheless good !! a friend said , he knows a good restaurant called – l“etoile de tunis – !!! everybody went with him . only i,mwr and yello decided to search for another restaurant ! and we found another one,which was very good ! we eated,came back to our hotel and were interested in the opinion of the others about the l“etoile de tunis . and we heard was what we expected !!!!! they said , it was terrible . it was too small for 20 persons. on the one hand it was a low-budget restaurant,but on the other hand the food was that,too !!! the glasses weren’t clean and the toilet looked like after the second world war !!! so keep this name in mind : l“etoile de tunis – keep it in mind in order to avoid it !! and that was the last story of paris !! so we get back to germany …….. into my room : mwr is now sleeping . he couldn’t sleep all night long and so he was very tired when he came to me !!! puh ! what shall i write about ?????? we saw in paris a logo of the wanderer group and there was written above : 29.04.89. at this time mega-ultra-abnormal-special-turbo-greetings to the wanderer group !!! but now ……. really …….. nothing comes into my mind . i have completed caution and even written another ( little ) intro : a rasterbar moving up and down and scrolling along it ya see a text !!! oeh ….. perhaps you want to know , what i think about the leading ten ??? no ? well , it doesn’t matter . anyway , i will tell you , what i’m thinking about them !!! but i have to make differences between the groups on the c-64 and the amiga !! on the 64,the leading ten are : 1. world wide expressive 2. vision 3. wanderer group 4. warriors of darkness ( still there ) 5. super swap sweden 6. ikari 7. orion 8. papillions ( i don’t hear often anything of you ) 9. beastie boys 10. commando frontiers …………… perhaps my friends have another opinion of the leading ten – i will let them write anything about that later . the leading ten on amiga are : 1. world of wonders 2. thrust 3. doc 4. ackerlight 5. tristar 6. axxes 7. defjam 8. alphaflight 9. the lightforce 10. high quality crackings ………. enough to the leading ten ! myfriends will later write more ( or less (?)) !! o.k. i will end now . let me just say : copy this , spread this ….. and not only this . also if you get caution : give it to your friends !!! the last standings : it is monday , the 24th of july , 10:00 am !! the text is now 27750 bytes large !!!! bye ………

uuuuaaaaahhhhhh……. here’s manowarrior again… i just got awake and it is difficult to write bullshit if you are just awake…… let’s have a look in hulk’s room: the first thing u see if u come in hulk’s room is ……..(guess what !) an amiga, of course !!!!! then there are some boxes of a stereo which don’t work. on the wall are everywhere posters…… and his little sister is just crying from outside…….. let“z have a break…(i’ll soon be back)…………..pause……….pause……..pause………… end of pause…… manowarrior is signing in again…… i’ll bless you with my infinite scroll-talents…… a message to f-a-t and exact : we stand beside you in the war against tnt of genesis project !!!!!!! (the timelord is a really slimy creature, as you said)…… hulk mumbles just something veeeeeery weird ! it sounds like a big ruelps…… ooo-ooohhh hulk wants the „word“…. which word ?????? ahhhhhhh, he wants to continue………… manowarrior schulzing out………. ***

aaaaaaahh !! this is hulk back at his own keyboard ! great feeling , such a keyboard . by the way : greetings to ixion of triad . your scrolltext of charming is pervers,abnormal and has sexual tendencies !! but i don’t wanna talk about things like that , i want to speak about ***** heavy metal ***** !! heavy metal is one of the musictendencies , which are nowadays still often unaccepted ! but people really should listen to heavy metal and they will remark , that there is a system in it and not only guitars , cries and other noises !!! of course , there are groups like voivol,which aren’t special at all . but there are also groups like warlock,manowar and wasp , which managed it to fascinate you with their music or their texts . and i think , heavy metal is much much better than blue systems , rick astley , donna summer , gianna nanini and the rest of these m-f**kers ( especially the singers of stock,aitkin and waterman ). heavy metal will live forever !!!!!!!!! so,people !!! that was all for today . i just want to mention now,that i will today ( again ) drive to mwr !!! at tuesday,i wanna drive ( by train,mss ) to yello,who is back from england (a fact,which makes me really happy – really – if you know,what i mean ) . so my programm is full and i think,i will you see you at friday again . keep calm ……………. hello again !! this is hulk again…..again typin“ a part of the longest scroller of the world . i spent 3 days at manowarrior . cool time . we went to the busstation and met ……. a friend (?) ……. a friend,who was in england ……… called yello !!!!!! aaaaaarrrggh !!!!! every attempt to escape was impossible …… yello already saw me . so i decided to keep calm and to go in his direction . of course,he greeted me and of course,he wanted me to come to him at the next day,as i told him something about caution . i said,i’ll see …..(next day) i knew,that there wasn’t any other chance – i had to go to yello …… and so i did !!! ( ladies and gentlemen !!! what i will tell you now,is a typical conversation between yello and me . look exactly at yello’s opinion ….. ) – hulk : wait a moment !! type „x 2″ to load caution. o.k. – yello : uh. what’s this ? eh,man . great !!! really nice – hulk : i hope , i won’t get difficulties , because there wasn’t any more place for an mss and troll – logo !! – yello : well . if you paint both logos above and under the scroller – i think , that would look great !!!! – hulk : athoeu ?? – yello : really , hulk !! that would look great !!!!! – hulk : aaaaaarrrrgh !!!! are you crazy ?? that would destroy the whole picture ….. oh my god !!! – yello : but the rest ….. looks great . really…..fine……not bad…….i’ve seen demos even worse……….nothing special…….no chance……… eh !!!! what’s this ?? – hulk : colorscrolling . – yello : how many colors are that ???? – hulk : 32 !!! – yello : why don’t you use 16 colors ???? – hulk : burps !!! – yello : yeah ! why do you use 32 colors instead of 16 ? – hulk : but 32 colors give you a better impression . if i use 16 or 32 colors , that’s no difference in programming . i also could use 64 colors or even more !!! – yello : but why don’t you use 16 colors ? i think , the impression is the same ! – hulk : but when i use 16 colors , the distance between the light and dark colors isn’t big enough . that’s bad ! – yello : well , you could let 1 raster free between every color…..( end of conversion , because i went to the toilet in order to jump throug the window ) ………………. hahahahahahahahahaaahaaaauoeeee . hey , yello !!! your sentences become more and more intelligent ………. o.k. !!! another topic : the c-64 user have got another sound-magician : maniacs of noise !!!!! the demos i’ve seen have got very very often 3 to 6 sounds of maniacs of noise , especially of jeroen tel ! and they really sound well !! we’ll se , if maniacs of noise will also make sounds on the amiga ………. i don’t know why , but at this time i send greetings to tusc !!! ah….. the new asm has appeared ( that’s a computer-magazine ) !! mwr told me , that they wanna make a demo-competition and he said,i also should send a demo to the asm ( actual software market ) . but i need a totally new demo . a demo,which has so much action,that you throw your external diskdrive into the monitor (??). but let me think ….. first an animated logo , which moves to the left and to the right !! then the first scroll ( with colorscrolling in it ) , after that a turning s.d.i. – logo . then a second scroll ( also colorscrolling and of course,both scrollers are controllable ) . and then ……….. a third logo ….. a hulk – logo , which moves sometimes to the left and right and sometimes scrolls the raster in different ways ( d: schwabbelscrolling ) . behind all this colorscrolling and colorflashing !!! oh my god !!! that’s very much action ….. too much !!! but i don’t care !! o.k. ! i think , it’s enough for today. i will now begin painting and tomorrow i will programm routine after routine ….. current standings : it is saturday,the 29th of july in 1989 and the text is ……. uuuuuuhhh ….. guess how large it is !!! it is 34445 bytes large !!!!!!!!!!!! byyyyeeeeee ………….. hello,people !! this is again hulk of s.d.i. jumpin“ on the keyboard . well,we haven’t seen us for a long time !! much has happened . i finished my new demo called *** corrosion *** . i managed it to push all things into the demo which i wanted to put in : three logos , 288 colors ( 250 of them are moving over the whole screen ) , 2 scrollers , samplesound and much much more nice things !!!! and that’s only the beginning . i will write more and better then ever before ( one important reason is,that i managed it to use the blitter for scrolling and bobs ) . the result of all that is,that corrosion will have more than one part . a short sentence of phenomena to give a commentary to our demo-competition : competition was none !! no friend,who comes to the 4th s.d.i.-party ( and even no friend at all ),can beat me with his demo – my demo is the best !! 3 days ago , i visited ace in order to swap some demos !! he showed me *** the very first mega-demo of phenomena *** – yeah !! i tell ya ……. never before i’ve seen such a perfect multi-part-demo !!! many bobs ( 200 ) , nice ideas and very good programming made this demo to ***** techtech 2 ***** !! i mean : also the mega-demo of phenomena is – well – a revolution on the amiga !! everybody should have this demo ! but now a nice story : like i told you , there are 200 bobs on the screen in the first part of the mega-demo !! i was very fascinated by that fact and i tried to program a routine as fast as the routine of mr.gurk of phenomena !! i thought one day about this routine and then an idea came into my mind : double buffering !! with this method the speed of the routine would only be set frontiers by the hardware !! so i sat down and programmed the routine in one day . i used a bubble of 16 to 16 bits ( 2 bitplanes ) as an object !! without double buffering you couldn’t put 50 bubbles on the screen without some other effects like colorclashing !! buuuuut : with double buffering i was able to put perfectly 200 bubbles on the screen ( and even more ) !! but it was only a routine . that means , a whole demo with at least 200 bobs has to be programmed !! by the way : do you know ** warst ** ??? no ? of course you don’t !! because warst doesn’t exist yet ! well – what is warst ? warst is a shoot „em up – a very good shoot „em up , which will be programmed,designed ( etc. ) by me , hulk of s.d.i. !!! i haven’t started yet . but i will soon begin to think about the gameplay,the graphics and so on !! so if you hear later in the future of *** warst *** , then always think of hulk of the software destruction initiative !!! poark ! party starts in two days , so i have to do some last things . and for all those , who don’t know , what assembler to take , here is my motto : seka is lame,genam is fame !! watch out for corrosion , my demo for the asm-demo competition !! aaaah …. listen , people !! i have got a new packer : the power-packer2.2 !! i think , it was made very professional ( also able to recrunch other packers ) . fuck for hqc-cruncher2.0 ( swolljaaarrrk ),the lamest cruncher of the century !!! hey, guy !! look,what happens,if you press the space-bar !?! ah…did you see ? nothing happened ( i know this was a bad joke – but what would you make , if nothing comes into your mind and you have to write the longest scrolly of the world ??? ) . and here a german joke : die letzten worte von t.g.c. : was machst du mit der axt,lieber hulk ??? ….. o.k. !! english again …… these were my last words for today . i think , we will see us again at the day of the party …….. hulk signing off – fuck for yello ………. hello,people !! this is hulk back again from …….. yeah , from the 4th s.d.i.-party !! i’m afraid mss and troll already went home,because they have to wake up very early tommorow,so all people around me are : manowarrorior , yello and tom-soft !!! it is now 2:27 am and it’s a little bit calm here,but i don’t care,“cause it’s normal to feel a little bit sleepy to this time !! o.k. ! let’s look around in order to search for a ( poor ) guy,who will be the next hostage i force to write something into the longest scroller of the world . ah ! i see yello just leaning back . o.k. , yello ! come right over here now and type in anything you want :

good morning! still reading? i hope so. this is yello typing for s.d.i’s party his latest bullshit. please forgive my style or my grammatikal mistakes, because it’s now 2:37 am. it is thursday the 10th of august in 1989. while i’m sitting here and writing the text, the rest of the guys are sitting (sleeeeeping) in the room. our today’s equipment consists of 2 amigas and 1 c64 (romantic feelings all around…). note:our scroller has meanwhile 39307 letters and the record to be beaten is at about 70000 letters. so lean back and enjoy the words.o.k. ,guys -what shall i write? can you tell me? no, you can’t- of course……….i’m tired……..manowarrior is tired……….tom-soft are tired………hulk isn’t tired.he is playing hostages- he shots all: the terrorists and the’s one wish: please,please,please go on writing such famous demos such as the phenonima mega-demo or the monster demo as well. …. quartex…’re looooooosers…..(me too,but i don’t mind)….manowarrior of s.d.i corrected me: the mega-demo is -of course- done by phenonema. hey guys-incredible. but „learnt“ is spelled „learnt“ and not „lernt“, because you forgot the „a“ in „learnt“ and wrote only „lernt“ what is not the correct form. now more then 40000 letters are written. more than half of the work is done. unfortunately i don’t know anything anymore. time:it’s 5 to 3 am. i’m tired……..gaehn…… o.k.,let’s write again….only bullshit,of course: o.k.,here are my greetings:my greetings go to (in alphabetical order): all my friends in school (especially troll,bomber,matze,schueddel,zorni,rolf and h.f.s/pfalz), ace, thrust, e.c.a (o.k.,o.k., i said alphabetical order, but it’s 3 o’clock in the morning and i don’t take care of it- by the way: can anyone tell me what happened with e.c.a (electronic cracking association)???), wow (world of wonders) and the rest of the (now sleeping ) world…….i’m tired……..everyone here’s tired…….sodele, i’ll leave now …..ich hab“ kenen bock mehr…….i don’t want to write anymore……byebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebyebye………

yo, freaks… manowarrior of s.d.i. is here typin on our copy-party in this very long scroll !!! tom-soft just tried to make a new 3d vector-demo on the c64. he finished the work and wanted to save the prog, but while saving, the compy sucked up…. two hours of hard work are gone…. but i’m sure he will made a new and even better version……. some hours ago, i covered my new actual amiga-game : *** the newzealand story *** just a very funny game, nice conversion, ocean ! i just heard that the group „exact“ is decleared to death, but i don’t care if it is true…… hulk said he wants to compete with his demo in the asm demo-competition….. i personally think that the asm is the worst german computer game mag….. just *** shit ***……… oh, i see yello wants to cont. should i let him ? o.k. manowarrior schulzing off……..

this is yello again. note: „schulzing off“ means something like end of line……asm….aktueller software markt….the most uninteresting and boring magazine!!!! the worst mag i ever read!!! the price is too high for this mag. … okay, go on sleeping (it’s 3:30 am) …

this is mwr again: yeah, here’s manowarrior again ( ach du schreck, manowarrior is back ! )……. i saw that yello has complained about the asm, too…. but why does he now read this shit-paper ???????????????????? anyway, it is short before 4 o’clock in the mornin right now and we ran out of drinks….. this is shit, bcoz we are here not in a pub and the shops will only open at 6 o’clock ! a really lame town….. ( but cool coders live here, like hulk (he he) )…… a few hours ago we saw here some films…… „meaning of live“….. a very cooool film, really ! and there was another film called „faces of death 2“ which was really shit (just like the asm (he he))…… yello mumbles something weird, but i don’t know what he wants to tell us…….. hulk lies on something like a bed…. is he tired ? hey, hulk are you tired ? (hulk answered: nooo !!!!) and also yello said that he is not longer tired and it’s all shit what he wrote before…….. there are just many guyz around my 64, i hope they don’t break my good old breadbox !!! oh, i have to show them some new games, so i’ll come later again……… mwr is off…….

hello ! i’m tom and have nothing to do with s.d.i. i only have to type something (about 30000 characters) so to fill the memory and waste it. but there’s one problem: i don’t know what to write. and while writing this totally senseless text i often hit the wrong keys. well, you must know that it is now 4″clock in the morning (mesz) and i’m getting very tired now after being awake for 24 hours without any rest…. you see that i use the „full stop“ because i have no idea how i can fill up all those bytes……….. i will tell you what the other people in this room are doing now. hulk is trying to sleep but is always disturbed by yello (without „w“ at the end). manowarrior (mwr) is showing some very intelligent games to yello and i am the poor one who has to write some text…….. our supplies of chips and drinks are running lower and lower (i should not have mentioned it because i risk that someone else could have done it before). just now hulk is bringing a new bottle of mineral water. it will be to be drunk in a few seconds, but……. no!!! hulk says „no!“ „no!“. does he want to drink it alone? or isn’t it even mineral water? the answer is very simple… too simple to tell you it! (the tension is getting higher and higher – do you still wait for the answer?) well, mmh, yeah, the reason is that we have drunk like „cows“ (yes, he said this word, i’m sure)……. but this menacing thirstiness keeps us not from eating more chips…… yello enjoys playing trained games „till the end (it is always funny to see how glad he is about every finished game – even when there is no special ending ceremony)……. the neighbours may have heard yello’s cry – he has not been in the picture and had to fight against one full screen of enemies (without a seitenlazer!!!). you must forgive me when i only talk about yello – it seems he is going to have his most creative time at half past for in the morning………. the others are really quiet now, maybe they are tired…. the question is: why? well, i don’t know. actually, they should have been accustomed to that. but yello is playing and playing and pl…… i’m sure you know what i mean. meanwhile, hulk is torturing a second joystick – luckily, there are games with a special two-player-mode!!! now comes the time when i don’t want to tell about others anymore – the only sound i hear from them is ’sllz bouww doi trtrtrt biu deng“. you see it is not very exciting, so i may tell a bit about myself. until now, i have resisted to the attemps to make me a member of s.d.i. this computer-crew has only one real good member – he’s done the scrollcode: hulk. the others seem to know how to use an joystick, but not how to use an assembler. just now yello wants to write anything in the middle of the sentence (yello says:it’s 5 o’clock) …well….very qualified remarks are his favourite (yello says:yeah,that’s right)…well…let’s forget it! he is even not able to write yet…. i wanted to tell you something about me: i am one of those c64-user who have no lust and no money to change to an amiga. i prefer programming to playing – my next project will be 3d-graphics. the structure elements are almost ready, only the composition (maybe compostision) remains to be done. apart from computer i am a from my view a totally normal human being wanting to finish……..

hello!!! this is the latest news from yello:it is 5:15am (of course) and all the three guys here are still alive (hohoho) and quietschfidel. next wednesday will be a party at troll’s hq because of our former germanteacher t.i. (no names,please,rumors are very fast) .we’ve already finished about 47300 letters and so we’ve already beaten the record of thrust with only 30000 (or 32000) letters in their scroller. so,soll ich noch was auf deutsch sagen?luja,sog i!! hey,mann. wenn dass so weitergeht, kann das demo nur mit 1 meg laufen. english again:meanwhile, it’s 5:36 and everything’s alright. well, that’s all for today .goodbye from yello…………

hi ! this is hulk again climbing on his own keyboard . after sleeping a little time i decided to watch a few demos of some loser-groups,because i needed some fun to wake me up !! o.k. first some current standings : it is 6 o’clock in the morning and i’m sitting alone in front of my monitor . all the other people are sitting around the other computers and watch some other demos and samples . you don’t know , how small the place is,if two computers are standing on one little table and everybody wants to have a look to both monitors !!! well,yello has brought with his amiga and as a result of this two amigas and one c-64 are just working all the time in the same room !! by the way : i hope , yello didn’t tell you too much shit ( i will force him later to write about his letter and his holidays ) . hey,did mwr write already something,too ??? yes , he just pretended to having filled the scroller with his own bullshit !!! oh shit ! i haven’t slept enough . i feel my body criing about sleep ! anyway , let’s have a look around ! first i see my books ( only computerbooks and not that other shit like “ pandorra “ ) . after „em i see my videorecorder , a hill of slime and cola ( my bed ) , my posters ( like mwr already told you ) , some bottles of cola and then three guys called yello , tom-soft and mwr sitting in front of the other compis !! ah. the sky becomes lighter and the darkness disappeares more and more !! o.k. enough for this time ! i write later more ( if something comes into my mind ) ……….

hi there ! dis iz yello again. well, hulk asked me (wanted me) to write about my holidays in england, especially on the isle of wight. well,what shall i tell ya: it was fantastic:nice weather, nice games, nice girls (from all over the world). even a new contact could be done….(hopeso). tja, what schould i tell you. i already taught you quite a lot, didn’t i??? it’s now 7:20am and the night is over-finally. it was not one of my longest nights, but one of my funniest nights (by the way:fuck for hulk) . now we are going straight up to letter 50000. thank you that you stayed that long in front of the monitor . by the way:i don’t know if hulk taught you already that you can change the speed of the scroller by moving your stick to the left and to the right, if you should move up or down, absolutely nothing happens- amazing, eh?…another topic: i hope that the new happy computer will be available by this afternoon. i love happy computer „such much“ (what watch-ten watch-oh,such much) -this was germish.,.,.,!?.21? 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 aetsch!!! well -the usual problem: no ideas anymore. but now i have an idea: i’ll tell you about the problem of finding no words even if you try to every instant. you keep sitting in front of your screen, watching the written text and no new idea wants to help you- you’re running out of words!!! but now an idea: music – one of the best themes to talk: do you know the alan parsons project? no? it’s one of the best groups in the world. my favourite cd’s are:turn of a friendly card and :tales of mystery and imagination. if you haven’t already, you have to enjoy these songs. so,this is definitely my last writing. ************ end of yello’s line ************

here is manowarrior again…. status-report: exactly 8 o’clock in the lame morning of thursday the 10th of august on our sdi copy-party ! tom-soft is lying in a corner and sleeping all the time…. hulk is just playing blood money and yello is just watching a veeeery old but nice demo on the 64. oh, i see tom-soft has just got awake…. good morning, dude ! nothing happens at this lame morning….. i think i will go later to a kiosk and buy me the newest issue of the best german computer game mag *** power play *** …… i know that is not interesting for you and so it isn’t for me……. short time ago we watched the „puke-scene“ of the mega-film „meaning of life“ again….. just too funny (and too puky, if that word exists)….. the guys behind me just began to laugh bcoz of my very funny version of a game…… pffffffff, the game is shit ! meanwhile it is….. 08.12 am on 100889 ( the date is in german order, bcoz the month is mentioned at second place)…… interesting scroll-text, eh ? yello said just something about „geil“…… who is geil ? samy fox ? pfeew….. our female german teacher (hulk told you about) ?????? buuuuuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!! of course not !!!!! oh i hear some strange sound-fx……. pleeze wait a second……… mwr back again…… lousy fx ! hey, you mega-cool scroll-text-reading-heroes out there…… you have until now exactly read 52567 bytes of total bullshit of some cool guyz and some lamerz… that means you have already read the half of the whole text…… well, if the text will not get longer than 100.000 bytes…… pleeze don’t give up now, read the text to the end even if there maybe some boring passages in it…… (yello says:yeah,really boring)…. he is so right, isn’t he ??? now, it is time for some special-special-greeeeeetinx to „people“ who haven’t to do anything with computer……….. hyper-mega-turbo-express-blasting non-computer s.d.i.-hellos go to the following ones : the coca cola company for supplying us with their cool drinks…… karlsberg brauerei for the best beer ever…… and to the best comic-series-factory : ***** d.i.c. audiovisuel ***** for the best comic-series ever made : ***** heathcliff ***** even if it is a series for children it is very funny !!!!!!!!!!! the time is right now 08.31 am and i don’t know again what to write…….. so, i think i leave now for a short time…. manowarrior schulzing off…….

o.k. , guys ! this is my last entry for today . tom-soft just went out and so does the party ! all people hanging around are now yello , mwr and me ( i hope,yello told you his opinion about his postcard ) . i think i have to force yello and mwr to clean my room of bottles,pizzas and other slimy things ! when i exactly think about this party,then i have to say,that it was a (little) success : everybody showed demos,everybody saw demos and we saw altogether 2 nice movies !! don’t believe,that it was a big copy-party ! it was just a small,nice party between some good friends !! anyway !!! perhaps i manage it to let troll and mss write something into this scrolly on the ( soon ) following troll-party !! but that will really be enough for today . tomorrow we’ll see us again !! current standings : it’s 8:51 am and the shitty text is 54564 bytes large . keep calm …………. tuesday,the 15th of august in 1989 ! sorry,people for leaving you alone for such a long time !! much has happened ( of course ) and this also of course hulk speaking to ya ! i managed it to persuade manowarrior to leave the newest asm ( games-mag ) here to me . so let’s have a look into ( but not to the games , but to the readerletters and to other „nice“ things ) : the asm has got a special chapter for their readerletters called “ feedback “ . so what’s in it ? the first letter is about prices of games , the second about politics and the third ….. but what do i tell ya . i’m sure you don’t want to read this shit , so i’m going to introduce the „interesting“ letters ! here’s one of the beastie boys : they pretend , that the „chief“ of the asm ( sorry for this expression,but i didn’t find another one ) wrote a letter to them in order to force them to pay a lot of money to his account or to pay attention to the police , because he will send their address to a police-department . and besides of this topic the beastie boys call every reader of the asm a lamer,an asshole ( not in a direct way ) and much much more !! ( my opinion : these aren’t the beastie boys . these are other boys , who just pretend to be the beastie boys !!! a proove ? o.k. … the real beastie boys come from frankfurt ( w.germany ) , but the letter was undertitled by “ beastie boys , koeln “ . i think , someone wanted to make a joke and used the beastie boys and the asm as the two actors ) . but forget this letter . it was even one of the smartest …….. here are some really silly letters : the national front wrote also a letter,in which they said,that they are responsible for many many „nazigames“ and that skins are often able to program a demo or even a game in assembler and not only , like often supposed , in basic !! so just as the next two letters : also the topic “ brown software “ !! the next letter is a poeme and discriminates the asm ( nice,eh! ) . the next letter is an ironical letter with enthusiasm to the right side. let me just say : 19 of 20 letters are against the asm and their opinion and just one is on the other side ( and was maybe even written by the asm itself ( hehe )). stop this … a short opinion to the gametests of the asm : they’re just shit . and that’s the reason,why i stopped a few months ago buiing the asm !! isn’t it amazing ? 100 of 100 people,who offer in the asm software,have got the newest stuff,the newest games or anything else !! then there are people , who call themselves professionals and search for contacts , because : they are without any work * they haven’t anything to do * they don’t know why * their mother has been killed !!! now a message to them : i am a programmer myself ( like you can see here ) and i tell ya : to be a programmer is a full-time-job ! if you are even better than i am and if you work alone , you must work all the day ( and sometimes also the night ) to produce something , which can be shown around without seeing people puking behind !! end of message …….. ah !!! but there’s someone,who shot the bird down : he ( huahua ) said , that he ( gluck ) programs in basic and that ( hmpf ) nothing is impossible for him ( hahahahahauoerghpfth ) . can you imagine ? o.k. here’s my special message for him : program me a demo like corrosion ( 288 colors , 3 moving logos , 2 controllable scrollers , music ) . and i want even more : the demo has to be ( of course ) reset-resident and it must switch off the amiga-dos and then …… by pressing f10 it must show the directory , open a dual playfield , move a piccie by using the fld-method ( flexible line distance – a tip : control the rasterlines by using a complicated copperlist ( hehe )) …….. i admit , that it isn’t fair to discriminate such lamers , but my head is empty and besides of that , i loooooooooove it !!! and the next contacts : erotika , sex , hot color-pictures , dream girls , sexmission , hot pornos for your amiga , hot pd-soft …… nice , eh ??? i told you,everybody writes to the asm and what we see here , is the wide expansion of different german user-groups : lamers , loosers and assholes …. hm ? oh,the professionals ??? well…..they don’t write to the asm . they just read it in order to have some fun ( yeah! ) . ahoelm ….. are you still reading ?? o.k. !! something important : i’ve improved skullraider in this way,that you can now choose between 15 different speeds . but don’t forget : that means also , that the fastscrolling is faster than before ( an example : the fastest fastscrolling scrolls 750 characters per second !!!! ) ……. greetings to my girlfriend : why didn’t you come to the party ? mss was there and yello and 3 computers and ………… opsh . i think i understand now ! you would have stand 3 computers . you would have also stand a hulk , a manowarrior , a tom-soft , a troll and maybe even an mss !!!! but a yello ?????? nooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!! really ….. believe me : i understand you mow ………….. mega-greetings to my girlfriend steffie !!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh…….listen,people !!!! school…….starts tomorrow ( fludatschetazoff – aaargh ) !! that means , that i should go to bed earlier today ……. i should !!! but i don’t ( and all this just to make this shitscroller longer and longer ) ….. nuja ! ….. oeh …. troll wanted to give a party tomorrow , if ……. yes ….. if ….. if he won’t get our german-teacher t.i. ( sluwsluwsluwsluwsluwjiiiaachonk )…… oh.sorry. please excuse me ! the phone is ringing …….. ( break ) ……… ( break ) …….. back again ! it was manowarrior . he wanted me to come to the station tomorrow in the moorning , because he wants to go to school together with me ( don’t laugh ……. tomorrow is the first day at school after a long time – and we have much to tell to the other ). we also spoke about our german teacher. anyway ! tomorrow i will write more , because i received then the names of the teachers i will get and i think , i will give my commentaries to them ( perhaps i will also receive to 90 percent only new,unknown teachers ). well……..teachers……..teachers…..teachers……….that sounds like if you wanna say tea and then get thrown an axe backward in your body so that „chers“ is the last sound you get rid off !!!! by the way ( i think you know this expression very well now ) : the cover of the new special-issue of the asm looks like ….. well ………. it’s the perfect fusion of sex and violence !!!! what you see is a girl …….. nearly nothing wearing ……. and holding a big …. well … not mg ….. bigger …….. well,it’s a big arm !!! ha !!! playboy and penthouse couldn’t do it better !!!! sometimes i think , that mark bromley ( the painter of the titlecover ) doesn’t know , that he paints something for a computer-magazine !! really lousy (?) ….. uh !! nothing comes into my mind ……… fuck for yello . ohoem … i will take with the scrolltext of skullraider so that troll and mss ( perhaps ) could also write something into it . that’s important , because they left the 4th s.d.i.-party earlier then expected and as a result of this ……. they didn’t write anything !!! o.k. see you tomorrow , when we beat the world-record of super swap sweden ( 65537 chars ) , bcoz …… the current length of the scroller is 62897 bytes ( yeah,man !!! ) and we will tomorrow enter the area of 70.000 bytes !! keep up the volume and don’t leave us ………..

…………. hello friends. this is your fuckin“ yello again and this time i’ll tell ya the message: we made it, yeah, we really made it . what have we made??? very simpel: we passed the 63000-mark and are straight going to the 64000-mark. fantastic, isn’t it !?!?!?!? and it’s so interesting, isn’t it??? what , it isn’t ???? never mind, the main thing is that our text has about 400 letters more. well…………………………school has begun….what shall i tell you…normal life has started again. the last 2 years in school have begun.what??? did i hear a question????? yes,of course: the teachers: well , i think , they’re all right and you can live with them. these teachers will be my last teachers in my life. so, i will say good-bye, because we want to go to the station, where the new irem-arcade is!!!! byyyyyyyyyyyyyyye, folks .-.- 1242!???)(********::::..:: hey, what’s that for a shit???? what am i writing here??? why am i writing here??? can you teellll me??? actuall standing: 64071 letters are written…

10 9 8 7 6 4 2 0 : thiz iz manowarrior writing again in thiz ultra-long scrolly-rolly….. school started again today…… my opinion ??? buuuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate school !!!!!!!! but there is a little light of hope : the german-teacher t.i. isn’t any longer my teacher…… yeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhh…. my life has now become again a meaning ! i don’t know what i would have done, if she would be anylonger my teacher…….. it is really shit that the holidays are over, bcoz i have to learn now many for the exam and so i will not be able in future to release so many stuff as i did „till now….. my probably last release for a long time will be „stormlord mega-trainer“ on the c64….. i nearly wrecked the stormlord original disk, but a good friend of mine repaired it, so i will do a 100 percent version in next time… i know it is a bit late, but it will be good !….. last week i got 18 and was for the first time in a gamble-hall in germany…. you have to know that in germany you only are allowed to go in a gamble-hall if you are 18 or older….. that’s a pity bcoz i.e. in holland you only have to be 16…….. in this lame town are many gamble-halls but there are nearly only shit-games in them…….. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……… we got the ***** w o r l d r e c o r d ***** we have now beaten the record of super swap sweden….. they have only 65537 chars in their demo and you have read almost 65789 chars here in this demo !!!!!!! but my mind is now empty (?), so i leave now…….. manowarrior of s.d.i. schulzing off…………….

and again hulk clinking into the scroller …… well,what should i say,what hasn’t been already said before ??? in 3000 bytes the new worldrecord will stand and it was done by some cool,great and unknown guys !!! hm ….. perhaps i should write the whole scrolltext of corrosion down again ?? but no ! this should be a real record ……. we don’t want to cheat ! just one word to my new teachers : it couldn’t be better …………. i lost the worst teacher on the world !!!!! for everyone ,……. here’s her address : oeh …….. blast….. i forgot her address !! but she ( he ????? ) lives in saarbruecken ( w.germany ) !!!! and …….. my mathteacher is really funny ( and besides of that , he understands what he’s teaching us !!!! ) . o.k. ! i told you,that my germanteacher has gone away ( i hope so ) and as a result of this,troll will give today his party ( yeah ) at 4 o’clock !! so i leave you now here and come back at troll’s party to remark , when the old world record has been beaten !! o.k. !!!! see you later …………..

ok, here’s t r o l l !!!! i’m having a party tonight. it’s the 16th of august and school began today……….no goood, but there’s one very fine thing: my l ll llll llloved girl has gone. the most wicked and hated woman (don’t know if it is one) i will never be treated by her anymore. haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i hate you, if somebody wants her (don’t think so..) . this party, taking place at my home and is named the goodbye-party, cause in my kurses there’s none in wich this aeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeaeae has control over me or my marks!!!!!! i think, i don’t like this woman. i’m quite sure, i don’t but i don’t want to talk about silly and uncharming things like this. let’s talk „bout friends of mine. there are: hulk (s.d.i.), manowarrior (s.d.i.), mss (s.d.i., too), yello, michi, tom, ukw, no girls for my unsake.sad thing, i thingk, ae think, „cause girls are the best things ever existing, but this is a party, on wich xxx is being slammed on the ground, where cruel (not totaly cruel, but cruel enough) videos are watched and hardrock is listened to, though nothing for sweet maiden. with hardrock, i mean queensryche, for example. queensryche is the most mystic, the most powerful, sometimes the most delicate and simply the best hardrock band ever existing. to give you a test of it, here are some passages of the song ’suite sister mary“: 10 p.m. i feel the rain coming down my face feels the wet, my mind the storm……moving silent through the streets, they’re mine, they’re mine. midnite, she sings praises in the hall. to saintly faces hallowed be theyr names she can’t recall. sister mary, virgin mary, silent with her sin……they made you pay in guilt for your salvation….now they’ve sent me for you…….what we need is trust to keep us both alive……the priest is cold and dead. on his knees he fed. from my barrel of death, he turned the holy water red. as he died and said thank you……. this is the end of the queensryche-text. fine, isn’t it. don’t forget : dont“ ever trust the needle, when it cries, it cries your name. don“d ever trust the needle, it lies (the needle lies, queensryche, too) i also like zz-top, inxs, art of noise, even bangles, at this moment, manowarrior comes and tells me, that there are only 500 letters to write „till the world record is broken. we want to watch the film „from an emryo to a woman in 4 1/2 weeks“, too. tomorrow, i’ll know my other teachers, too. my leistungskurses are:mathematics, english (did you recognize it ?) and chemics…… the countdowd is running. only two years „till i leave school, and my friends with me. but now, i’m so proud to be the one to complete the breaking of the scroller’s world record. thrust, you’re beaten by s.d.i. . don’t forget the name t r o l l (you have to recognize in the same way) whooooooooooooo in this moment, my mind explodes all my feelings get in the sky, scheisse, die kassette ist zuende, „rumgedreht und weiter (dalbello is rushing through my amplifier, and my ears, too-200 watts pure power) so, it“t time to celebrate this…..whith beer, sekt, whine, schnaps, and so on i harly can leave the computer, but i do so uaaaaaaa bytes i love all beautiful girls, my kisses go to you, i must go now………………… troll i forgot to say thank to hulk to let me in his wonderful scroll, but it’s time to celebrate…………….good bye for the boys, kisses for the girls………….troll

wazomba !!! hello ! hulk greets you again to a new part of skullraider !!!! today is the 17th of august in 1989 ( yeah ) and ……….. we’ve done it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! we’ve broken the world record of the longest scroller of the world . it was hard to break , but ……….. finally,we made it !! yeah . but the text doesn’t end here,because i wanna reach a limit of 100.000 bytes !!!!! just a few words to troll’s party,but before i have to tell you something : hulk of s.d.i. doesn’t take any responsibility for the text of other persons . that means , i needn’t be of the same opinion as for example yello is !!! but now to troll’s party : it was nice . really !! we had a nice ( and hard ) conversation with ( the only ) one guy , who likes ( !!!!!!!! ) msr. ( or mr. ? ) xxx !!!! we also spoke about the new teachers we got , saw one nice ( and one less nice ) film , so all in all ………….. it was a nice evening !!! just a word to thrust : you needn’t remember the name s.d.i. ( or troll ) , if you hear the name *** world record scroll *** !!! but you should keep the name s.d.i. ( especially hulk ) in mind as a name , which stands for quality !! perhaps you wanna have the title of the longest scroller of the world back again and write a new demo ( which maybe will be as good as the ** ottifanten-demo ** , too ) !!!! o.k. ! enough about this …………. let me just say : today , i’ve bought the best computer-magazine in germany : happy computer ,with its gamepart : power play !!!!! and because i don’t know what to write about , i greet at this moment the best gametester of the whole world : martin gaksch !!!!!! why ??? well,it’s simple !! martin gaksch is one of few gametesters , who really admit , that a game is good , if they have fun with it !! other editors worry about the grafic,the sound or anything else !! besides of this , martin was the only editor , who declared the mega-game katakis to one of his favorite games . and if i mention katakis , i also have to mention the mega-group , who programmed it ! so here go double-mega-greetings to the famous factor 5 team !!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah !!! and for those , who didn’t get it : katakis is ( still ) the best shoot“em up on the amiga !!!!! what do you mean ? oh,you mean the text becomes silly !! never mind ! the text already became silly 70.000 bytes before ……….. i guess you don’t want to know what is written in the new „happy-computer“ ! hehe …. here we go : mmpfh ! if you read the 10th side ( all sides before are advertisment and directory ) , one special feeling comes up to you . but read the following : after harald speyer now also winfried hoffmann took his hat and left commodore ( he was the chief of commodore germany ) …………. helmut jost leaves amstrad …………. nixdorf short before the sell ? ……. and so on !! doesn’t it catch you down ??? ( by the way : fuck for yello ) everybody changes , corroption and (illegal) tricks are nothing special !!! afueth !! well,i think,that the business of computers has become too commercial !!! but let’s forget this,otherwise the text becomes too silly ( uuuuh…….but what do i tell ya ??? ) !!! but wait …… what else is there written ……. ah ….. a new dos for the archimedes ……. uff !! it seems to be very good !! but i don’t care !!!!!! the archimedes is still too expensive for the (little) user and in fact , he can’t beat the amiga !!!! mmmmmh ???? hey ! what’s this ??? oh ! it seems to be a new homecomputer,but ………… well , i think , that 80386 cpu (16 mhz) , cd-rom , a resolution of 640 to 480 with 256 colors and an amazing soundchip speak for themselves !! there’s also a photographie of the game r-type . really ……… marvellous !!! the computer is called fm-towns ( hmpf ) and i think , it will be a revolution !! also the new c-64 has been mentioned and some facts are given ………. 256 colors , stereosound , 3.5″ diskdrive , 16-bit cpu …….. well , i think it wasn’t good to produce a computer with qualities between the old c-64 and the amiga !! i’m sure,nobody will produce software for the possibilities of the new c-64 !! bua……forget it !!! hey ! did i already tell you,that i programmed the second part of corrosion . no ???? oh , sorry !! well,i implemented in the second part 378 (!!!!) bobs all moving over the whole screen !! ha ! isn’t that amazing ??? my problem is : i have no idea for the third part !! i will think about it tonight ( i’ve stolen a charset of the champs , so i could ………… opsh ! no . well , i will think about it tonight ( just 2 weeks left until my demo has to be ready )). o.k. i will come back tomorrow ( in the moorning ) and will also write something about our lessons ( you know : you will be in the lessons live with me ) o.k. ?? just the last current standings : the text is 75977 bytes large and the time is ………uff…….too dark to see………too sleepy to see……..but it seems to be about 11:25 pm . well…..i will now read the last typed shit of yello and then think about corrosion – part 3 !!! we’ll see us …………

uuurrghpfffnniiieeeft…….. manowarrior ( of s.d.i., ya know ) is back typing totally shit in the memory of this machine……. first i do apology that i announced the world record broken ca. 4000 bytes too early….. the old world record of super swap sweden was exctly 69234 bytes….. so we broke it at byte no.69235….. today is a really shit day, bcoz i have to go to school (bueargh!)….. i will tell you now about a totally normal ( that means boring ) schoolday……… at half past seven i arrive at school….. i come every day a bit earlier, bcoz it could be that we had some homeworks to do……… the first thing what is to do today (?) is : ….. biology ….. well, there’s not much to tell about. the teacher tells us something about „photosynthese“…… really crap ! there’s nothing more to say „bout biology. next i have is „chemics“. we had some homeworx to do, but i didn’t do it…….. i have to go now to the chemics-room………. …..back…. i am sitting now in the chemics-room. i made the chemics-homework in the lesson, just a few seconds before i had to write them at the blackboard. pheew !!!!! just in time……. uuuuuaaaaaaahhh…. we’re just doing some really stupid and boring exercises…… next lesson i have is the language which makes it possible to me to write this : ….. english ….. but i have no english-homeworx !…. (now you know what a kind of pupil i am, sure you can !) but first we have a pause of 15 minutes to eat and drink something ( yeah, the most interresting part of a schoolday of mine )……….. blurp ! i’m now having english ! we got a new assistant ( the old one tried to escape, but we were faster…..he he ). the new assistant looks and he speaks like a snop ( i don’t care what that really is , but he is one ! )…… this english-lesson is quite funny, bcoz someone of my fellow pupils rose up a flag of the south-staates……….. next lesson i have is „politics“……. we had to read something in a book for today, but i…… guess what !……… yeah ! i didn’t read it……. see ya in the politics-lesson……… yep, i’m back again……. this lesson is sooooo boring, you can’t imagine ! (can you ?)….. i am watching all the time at my watch…… still 25 minutes……. uuuuuaaaaahhhhh ( i’m tired )…….. i was just asked a question……. i answered wrong… ( what did ya expect ? ). we just read an article about the kpd ( the german communists )….. bah ! still 15 minutes to suffer from….. so boooooring….. another theme : yesterday, i saw the last two parts of hulk’s corrosion…… they look pretty nice !!!!!!!….. congratulations, hulk !!!! the teacher is saying something about freedom of the press, isn’t he ? who cares ? still 10 minutes….. pffffiiieeuuch ! i make now schulz ( end ), but i’ll continue at hulk’s home………… mwr back again at hulk’s home ………. warlock is just running on the tape….. sounds really heavy !!!!!!! all we are…… a big ultra-mega-fucking goes to these shitheads who produce the „magic disk 64“ and „game on“….. mostly the half of their proggies didn’t run of their last issues……….. actual standinx : 79867 bytes are already read by you…….. we are in the hope that we have in the next three days the 100.000 bytes reached……. we just passed the 80.000 mark….. 10.000 bytes more than the old record of sss !!!!!!! the hard rocking feelings around me are getting louder and louder….. yeah ! hulk wants me that i say something „bout lamer-groups…… if i hear the word lamer, than i think of – the game creeps – !!!!! o.k. there are much more lamers ( later more about them ) but the game creeps ( tgc ) are the lamest lamers, i have ever seen in this lame lame world……. all their demos are made with demo-makers…. ( kotz, wuerg, brech )…….. they live in koeln / germany…. i don’t know their plk-number, but if you ever send fuck-greetinx then send it to the game creeps !!!!! the game creeps will get more famous by mentioning in our fuck-greetinx as they would get by their own power !!!! and their demos ( with demomakers, ya know ) are looking like shit….. their self-painted graphix look terrible ( puke….buuuaarggh ) and the soundmonitor-song they used in their first „demo“ is the worst shit i ever listened to…… english again……. warlock is still ruling over my ears…. „when east meets west“ is the song… cool ! but i am not finished with my fuck-greetinx to the lamers : also-ultra-mega-special to : roland rat ( he always sends special greetinx to tgc ), tusc ( i don’t know what this short form means, but they are lamers ), the german star group ( your name is a curse for germany ), north-projects ( also using intro-makers ), metal-wars ( taking members of north-projects in their group ), shortysoft ( a really lame „crack“ of rocket ranger with an intromaker-intro… ) and to freestyle ( first i thought you were a good group, but i remarked that you have used an „alphaflight“-intromaker for your impossible mission ii- crack )……….. let’s turn to more funny thinx : i’m running out of ideas, so i save this text, before the compy may suck down………… mwr is off…….. mwr is in again….. last night i saw the film „death wish iii“ with charles bronson…. a really cool film with some nice takes…… especially the final show-down !!!! beside the computer-game to the film „death wish iii“ is also quite cool…. the b.p.s. already catched it, bcoz they think it is too bloody for people under 18……. although i am already 18, i’ve got a special-message for the leader of the xxx (indi.) b.p.s. ( of course in german, all other please don’t mind ! ) : unschuldige computerspiele indizieren ist ein verbrechen !!!!!! am besten ihr indiziert auch dieses demo, denn das waere „ne prima reklame fuer uns…… ihr indiziert die spiele doch nur weil ihr all die geilen brutalo-games fuer euch alleine haben wollt !!!!!! ende der mitteilung…….. in english again……… well, hulk said i should write the (hi)story of our group…….. ***** s.d.i. ***** but first some personal things about me and how i got a compy…… it was the second of december in 1986 as i bought my little c64….. and i got some nice contacts from school…. (hulk, yello and others more… ( at that time hulk and yello had still a c64, too ). we swaped stuff all the time, as it was the february in 1988…… it was the eighth of february……. i adviced hulk to found with me a group…. hulk ( at that time he had already an amiga ) said „o.k.“….. now, we needed a name…. i thought that the short form ’s.d.i.“ would be cool…. hulk said „o.k.“ (again)…. but for what stands s.d.i…… i said : the name must have something to do with software, it must sound powerful, cool and not too lame …. s like software, d like destruction….. but what means the „i“…. we decided to take it from the „original“ — ronnie’s strategic defense initiative — and a name and new group was built up : the software destruction initiative s.d.i. then there came a new guy at out our school…… he is blond, big and a fanatic fan of the „deutsche bundes bahn“ and he is a chauvi !!!!!!! then he said he has a compy and his compy-name is „mss“ many month we faught many scroll-wars against him. to make these wars an end, he joined us at the twenty-nineth of september 1988……. and since this time he is our cool c64 programmer…. and then in february 1989 we just celebrated s.d.i.’s first birthday, it was to troll, to join us, bcoz we were (and are) one of the best groups in the near area….. since that we are four members in s.d.i. ….. but now i tell you more about me (manowarrior)…….. as you know i bought my breadbox on 2nd of dec in 1986….. the first game i got was — ghosts“n“goblins — and it is still my favorite game on the c64…… i hope the long announced amiga-version will soon come out…… and in november 1989 there will come the sequel — ghouls“n“ghosts — (lechz !!!)….. well, as i found together with hulk s.d.i., i got more contacts and had more to swap………. then in the end of 1988 (very late, i know) i began my career as the c64-painter and graphixer…… (i mainly paint logos and sprites)……. somewhen in 1988 i got the demo „world record scroll“ of the group super swap sweden with 69234 bytes of text in it….. i enjoyed reading this short (?) and interrestingly written scroll-text…… once upon a time hulk and i were at the station in the town and we waited for a train (hey, mss : the service of the „deutsch bundes bahn“ is shit !)….. suddenly one of us had the stupid idea to break this little record !!!!!! the main-inspiration (what is that ?) came to us at my home and at the station we decided to do that… and now you mega-cool scroll-reading hereos have read 86815 bytes, more than 15.000 bytes more than the little old record…… and now hulk coded a demo (corrosion) especialy for the asm-demo-competition…. a special-special-message to the asm : (in german again) : koentet ihr das cover des 6. asm-specials mal als poster bringen !!!!! end of mess….. in english again (and again)……… i am now really running out of ideas, so i think hulk wants to continue………. manowarrior of s.d.i. signing off…………….

o.k. !!! hulk again typin“ and , as i think , typin“ for the last time !!! i think it’s time to stop talking bullshit to ya,bcoz catshit will now be the thing you get ……….. i said , mwr shall write about s.d.i. and its history , but he didn’t talk about the members ( i mean : he didn’t talk about what they look like and their hobbies etc. ) !!! so that will be my job now . let’s begin : s.d.i. was founded last year ( as mwr told you ) by 2 members : manowarrior and me . to this time i already had my amiga , but i hated the fuckin“ amiga-basic !!! so in autumn i started learning assembler . i have to say,that never before i learnt assembler,so it was something totally new for me ……….. i asked yello about an assembler-book and he gave me his one (in which he didn’t look yet) !!! so i started learning and after being sure to have the best and most informations,i took back the book,bought an assembler ( hisoft-devpac ) and then……..i started to write my own programms . that means , i wanted to write ………. because i recognized , that i haven’t learn’t anything , which stood in the book !!!!!! so i went to a computer shop and bought now the same book and learnt assembler again …….. but with one difference : there were a few examples for programms …….. and i didn’t turn the paper until i understood totally what was written there . and after few weeks i wrote my first assembler programm , which ran perfectly !!! a new world has been opened : a world of speed , of possibilities and new things !!! after a few days i started searching for a possibility to scroll and finally i found it . i opened a screen , a window and began to scroll !!! but this scroll didn’t move fluently , besides of this the mousepointer could be seen !!! i didn’t know why and wondered : do the professionals switch off the seventh or the first sprite ??? and the scrolling ……. is there another possibility in the graphics.library to scroll ???? and i recognized , that my scrollers scroll nearly fluently , when they are veeeeeeeery slow !!! after a whole year i bought the magazine “ kickstart “ for the first time . and ………… there was something written about scrolling ! scrolling with the opcode “ rolx.w “ . so i looked into the book “ amiga-intern 1 “ and find out how to open a playfield !! i tried it and …….. after a few attempts it ran . and i was so fascinated by it,that i needed 10 minutes to recognize,that there was no mousepointer !!!!!!! the scrolling was done with “ rolx.w “ and – it was relatively fast ! so i started to programm a few things ( also skullraider ) !!! after two weeks ……… there stood in the game-mag „asm“ something about a competition !!! i said to mwr : make proposes for a demo . tell me everything you want to have in a demo ! and so he did . that was the birthday of corrosion !!!! the problem was,that i had to use the blitter for scrolling and in fact,i had no experience with the blitter !!! so first i started programming the color-routines – unfortunately my sourcecode went away after nearly all colorroutines stood !!!!!!!!!! so i began again ………. again all routines ………. but now i would them make faster ( which would be of use as i saw later ). so all routines stood and now …….. i had to make the first attempt to use the blitter !!! it didn’t run . the second ……….. ran ……..not very good !!!! but the third ran better and the fourth did it perfectly !! so i programmed the rest and implemented a samplesound , because my first attempt to use the soundtracker-sound has been failed !!! but after the s.d.i. – party i started a second attempt and now……..i threw the whole demo into the chip-mem !!!!! and ……. it ran !!! now i made fast : the sourcecode for a soundmodule was too big – i programmed a gfa-basic program , which made out of 10.000 0-bytes ( ripping over 10.000 bytes out of the memory ) just one line : “ ds.b 10000 “ ( only using in a sourcecode a memory of 12 bytes ) !!! i learnt later also linking program-parts to others and suddenly : i programmed very professional ………. i used the blitter , i used the copper , i programmed without dos etc. !!! i improved skullraider,so that the scrolling is faster and i programmed the last three parts of corrosion !! in the most parts are only effects , that means , no main idea is behind them !!! i just wanted to try some effects like : a scroller moving up and down , many colors , many bobs , nice moving logos and so on …………… you see,that you can manage it to create demos looking very well,if you really sit yourself behind all this and try with your whole passion to make it !!!! i really received no help from others . my breakthrough came with the thought , that a playfield is nothing different than many bytes standing behind !!!! i’m sure there are a lot of „professionals“,who aren’t by far as good as i am,because they have neither the ideas nor the possiblities to create a good demo !!! the problem is,that i work alone,i mean,nobody helps me with painting !!!! with the sound …… slahoepft …… i think , it’s time now to mention him : the one and only !!! the guy,who composed this nice soundtrack !!! yesterday,he visited me and gave me the soundtrack you already heard for many hours !!! i speak about the nice and intelligent guy , who has got only one mistake : he programs in „c“ and that’s bad,because „c“ doesn’t high up your know-how about the amiga as assembler does !!!! but besides of this , he’s very good . he also re-composed the soundtrack to the second part of corrosion : ace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah , and i hope,that he will go on producing such nice sounds for me,bcoz i don’t know any other person,who can create for me a well(!!!!)-listenable music !!! ah ! i hear you cryin“ about the other members of s.d.i. …………. magicstarsoft joined us,because we didn’t stop catching him down in our scrolls . as mwr said,mss is a chauvie,but he only sais this . i’m sure,that he can’t stand still besides a nice women,because he wants to throw himself upon her and …….. well , i think you can imagine the rest !!!! mss has got one big disadvantage : he’s really very lazy ( such as tom-soft is ) and produces less demos for s.d.i. than our refridgerator does !!!! let’s come to : troll !!! who is troll ?? well,troll is an even lazier boy than mss is !! nevertheless he’s a coooooooooooooooool member , because he’s a funny guy and …….. our hardware suplier !!! just one word to troll’s father : it is funnier to listen to him as to listen to the 100 best jokes you ever heard !!!! uh . i mustn’t forget : i wanted to say something about troll’s part in this scroller !!!!! if you ( yeah . you and not the person behind ) are a girl and if you see a troll walking through the corridors or through the deep night , then remember this scrolly and run into his direction !!! perhaps ( if you look very well and aren’t stammering ) troll will be keen on you !! the best thing is to run nude through the streets !!!!!!! by the way : the other members of s.d.i. are also free and have no girlfriend …… with one exception and that’s the nice uncle hulk – yeah ….. you are right – that’s me !!! but mss , troll and mwr are without any girlfriends .(just a description : if you see 4 guys walking through the streets,singing terrible as they are drunken,being happy and so on …….. then be sure – you found s.d.i. !!! and a fast description in german : gross , blond , stark ( hmpf ) !!!!! ) o.k. let’s leave this – we don’t want to produce „charming 2“ !!!!!! o.k. there are just 4600 bytes to go and i wanted to speak about —– lamers —– !!!! i know it’s a story , which is as old as the computer itself !! but i think it’s funny , because there are always some guys , who seem to like being lame !!!! for example the game creeps ( hehe ) !!!! they speak english (?????) and german to the same time , make their demos with demomakers and …………… i think , what is most terrible : they make good friend with the chief of digital marketing , because they want him to publish their demos !!! so here’s a message ( in german , of course !! it has to be hard ) : warum ??? warum schaffen es leute wie „the game creeps“ , sich in euer public-domain-programm einzuschleussen !!! digital marketing sollte nur selbstgeschriebene (!!!) programme veroeffentlichen , ansonsten erscheint zuviel mist auf euren disketten !!!! ausserdem wurde manowarrior gerade vom grossen frust gepackt,weil die preise fuer disketten mal wieder gestiegen sind !!!! das motto sollte lauten : qualitaet statt quantitaet ……. …… ….. …. … .. . o.k. !!!! english again ! fuckings to u.k.w. !!! being lame is easy , but coming out of it is difficult !! i think , i will take *** skullraider *** also onto the disk with corrosion and send it around ( i’ve got a few friends,who already gave me disks to copy skullraider and corrosion ). my mind explodes,my heart bursts and nothing comes into my mind …………. only 3000 bytes to go ……… only ????……… if you really read the whole text until this place , then i have to say,that you are a mega-hero-reader . i know it isn’t easy to read the whole scroll !!! do you still know,what stood at the beginning of the scroller ??? i do and for me it seemed to be a scrolltext of just 10.000 bytes ………….anyway !!!! by the way: you know,that s.d.i. stands for software destruction initiative !!! now : don’t take this name by its translation !! we don’t destroy software , we produce software . that means also,that i personally don’t crack games !!! i even want to write one !! mega-greetings to firefox of phenomena : i really enjoy your music . hold on ( but improve your enlish ) !!!! mega-fuckings to the game-creeps ! my head is empty ……… i know,some passages ( especially in later parts ) were boring,but that was the time , when i really didn’t know what to write ( just as now ) ………. mega-greetings to ace !!!! please do me a favour : spread this !! i think it isn’t as bad as other demos people have and in fact it’s a world-record-scroll !! of course you could say,that there is nothing special in it like in the ottifanten-demo of thrust , buuuuuuuuut : the scroll will have at least a length of 100.000 bytes !!! the music has got a length of 169.000 bytes !!! i must reserve a memory of 56320 bytes for the playfield !!! and don’t forget the picture,which stands in the memory . also the rest of the programm must be taken into consideration !!!! all in all uses the programm a memory of at least 380.000 bytes !!! and all bytes have to stand in the chip-memory ( and don’t forget,that the dos reduces the chip-mem onto a size of 392.000 bytes – a chance to get a whole memory-block of 380.000 bytes is very small ) ……… perhaps i have to make it „autobootend“ , but the autoboot doesn’t run with fast-memory – bad luck !!!! people : only 1000 bytes until we reach the limit of 100.000 bytes and the new world-record stands perfectly !!!!!!! i think i should thank now the people,who made it possible for me to complete the world-record . so special-thanx to our great musician : ace !!! and to my friends , who have written with me all this senseless shit : tom-soft , yello , troll and mwr !!! and to the last one again a turbo-special-mega-giga-space-thank : to manowarrior of s.d.i. !!! also a greeting to magicstarsoft for being lazy ( hehe ) !!! and a mega-fucking to t.g.c. ( keep this shitname in mind,reader ) !!! i hate the german star group ………….. somewhere in germany , no matter where it exactly is , deep in the night when everybody sleeps , somewhere in a small room , there sits hulk of s.d.i. looking at his monitor and waiting for the last letter he has to type . somewhere in western-germany,there was born a new world-record , made by the incredible software destruction initiative !!!!!!!! 01:27 am . everything is calm . hulk just typed the letter „!“ and entered the limit of 100.000 bytes scrolltext …………………….. hulk leans back ……… with a smile ……….. he made it ……….. his mind is empty ………. and he sends the last messages to other groups : perhaps you could write in your demos,what you think about this (relatively long) scroller !! perhaps you want to break the record,too !! believe me,it’s a funny thing !! especially super swap sweden announced to rebreak the record !! so do your job ……….. o.k. there’s really (!!!!) nothing more to talk !! i will save this text now ( made with my texteditor in gfa-basic ) , implement the music in skullraider and think about a possibility to load the whole demo (380kbytes !!!) in the memory !!! the last current standings : the text is now 100851 bytes large …….. hulk is signing off for the very last time . hope , you like this demo …….. bye ……………………………

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